Thursday, January 26, 2012

Not much going on

Dear Blog,

Yet again, I go a few days without posting, but this time it was because there really wasn't much to post. Anyways, today, I finished a script for my bot on irc. (By the way: I'm using new nicks for me and my bot, mine is: Rodimus_Prime and my bots is: Teletran_1. The reason I changed them is because I have a new room, #AutobotCity, which is a room for transformer fans, no, not Bay'formers, I mean G1, Beast Wars, etc. sure the new movies are great, it's just you should know more than just what they show in those movies, you have to at least know the universal greeting) The script works, tested it a few times my self. Anyways, I recently applied to cold stone so, hopefully, considering I know the manager, I'll at least get an interview, or better yet a job.

     D.J. Carlson

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Just some stuff that I wanted you to know

Dear Blog,

If you want to chat with me on irc (Internet Relay Chat), the server I use is, the three rooms I am most likely to be in are #cybertron, #hyrule, and #sociallounge, and my nicks include: Miles-Prowler, Edward_Elric, FULLMETAL_ALCHEMIST, The-Hero-Of-Time, and then there's my bot: Prowlersbot. If I am not online there look me up on yahoo messenger: Gamer9311. Also I am currently trying to get tape residue off of my desk because a while back I wrote: "Isolation fosters depression, I need someone to spend time with" on my desk and taped it to preserve it, but recently I decided that I no longer need it there so there's all this tape residue to clean off.

     D.J. Carlson

About Me

Dear Blog,

My Name is D.J. Carlson, I was born on Tuesday June first, 1993. I am a non-denominational Christian. I am 18/Male. I am the kind of guy that can't stand seeing a girl of any age upset because he just wants to take the pain away, the kind of guy that makes sure that women are respected, and not beaten around or anything like that. I also CANNOT stand for suicide, if I hear about someone being suicidal, I try to get them the help they need, even if it's calling 911 and having them taken to the hospital.

     D.J. Carlson

p.s. I will edit this post from time to time to add more to it

This is my Everyday Blog

Dear, Blog
As this is the first post I figured that I should let you know that this "Dear Diary," format is how I'll be posting in this blog. If you have a problem with that, I don't really care. You can create your own blog if you don't like mine. Anyways, my next post will be more to explain who I am, just some things that I feel you should know as I write this blog.

     D.J. Carlson